fork Jun 11, 2006
This is the first time I've gone to California, since I really started going there in earnest in the late 90's, where I felt like my trajectory and my California friends' trajectories were different. This doesn't mean anything major. I adore my friends and was really happy to get to spend what felt like some quality time with them in the beautiful place that they live. It's just that as I've made some choices that make it, for example, hard to find a good dentist or time-consuming to get to an airport or a shoe store, I feel like they've made choices that make it, for example, hard to find parking or hard to see the stars at night. It's just trading one set of downsides for the other. They have fun things to do every night. I go to sleep somewhere almost entirely quiet and dark. They have friends who live in their neighborhoods. I know almost everyone who lives in my town. This is the first time that I've really felt like I made a choice to live somewhere not-San-Francisco. As a result, it was even more interesting to visit in some ways.

And so I left the beauty of the Bay Area and public transportation and late night taco stands to return to the beauty of no traffic and rolling green forested hills and a bird explosion in my backyard. I also feel like I got 8-9 hours of sleep last week. I can't remember the last time I've been able to spend a week doing THAT. My pictures are up in this set: SFO 2006. Here are some highlights: Other cool news that I guess doesn't go anyplace but here. My sister quit smoking, which is sort of amamzing. Go Kate! My Dad's wife, Cindy, started her own small business making sailor's valentines and has a website up, What's a sailor's valentine? She'll tell you. Meanwhile, I helped my Dad put up nearly 1000 pictures of his family from the 50s and 60's (digitized via digmypics) on Flickr. Lastly, I may never have mentioned that my Mom has a photo blog and a site for showing off her own pictures: I think that brings you up to speed on my nuclear family. Greg is studying for the bar. He turned 30 and graduated within two weeks of each other, now he's just ping-ponging back and forth between superstudying and aggressive procrastination. Wish the guy luck?
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