

All I can think about when I watch the sun set at 3:30 and a chill stillness descends almost immediately over everything, is chemistry. I remember, vaguely, learning about particles and how they speed up when something gets hotter and slow down when it gets colder. To the point that they get so slow they practically solidify, or so hot they turn into gas. I got a D one semester in chemistry class. I understood everything, but about a week too late. I rescued my grade by making a cake with my friend Lauren (later valedictorian) with the chemical makeup of every damned thing in the cake written in icing on the top. So you see, I have always been like this.

Anyhow, my point is that I think my movements around this place bear a striking resemblance to what thay’d be like if I were a single particle. Here is my illustration. The pink line is me, through the seasons. You can click through to Flickr for more commentary. I have also always had a fondness for Bil Keane.


What do you think?


  1. This reminds me of the diagrams they put in child development books to show how much kids interact with each other and the environment as they grow. I think you’re right on target for age two in your winter diagram ;)