The last post was maybe too many words which could be summed up thusly: the next time someone asks you how you keep it all together so well, just grin at them and say “magic!” and keep all your fussy lists and habits and routines to yourself, for yourself. I’m a little more impressed at the people that make it seem effortless, is what I’m saying. And with that, how about this weather huh?
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“the next time someone asks you how you keep it all together so well…”
i’ve never had anyone ask me this question.
I just set that photo as my desktop image. It makes me indescribably happy, like I fall further into joy the longer I look at it.
It’s magic!
what I meant to say was this… thank you!
Sometimes people actually do ask me that, and because I have no idea what they are talking about I generally nod and smile.
I like the “magic” part. It is, after all, mostly smoke and mirrors.