Skipped my usual Valentine’s Day post for reasons I can’t now remember. I made another heart outside in the snow with red sugar and printed some photos of it and sent them around. Here’s a photo. The above photo was taken during that short period where there were a few 50 degree days out here and Jim and I went for a walk in Destruction Brook Woods. Now it’s snowing again.
I’m down in Massachusetts for the week taking care of my Dad’s house while he is on vacation. Been getting in to a pet routine, waking up early to feed the dog, napping during the day. I’d like to say it’s been relaxing except that I’ve also had a lot of work ramping up including getting the page proofs to check for my book, getting ready for the SXSW conference and doing another piece of long form writing for a library blog I love called In the Library with the Lead Pipe.
Today I got up early to get interviewed on WDEV which is a terrific radio station in Vermont. I am not actually in Vermont at the moment, but thanks to the miracles of technology I could call in. Additionally, I could let people know sort of last minute via Twitter/Facebook so that people could listen in. It went well. I like talking on the radio and I feel that I’m pretty good at getting my points across in pithy but effective ways. Also I worked in a few of my favorite recent internet enjoyments such as the honey badger [link] and was happy to get someone calling in to promote the VT Community Broadband Project.
The fluish thing I was starting to get last weekend appears to be entirely gone, though replaced with a sort of “Zingzingzing I have SHIT to DO” nervous energy that I’ve been managing by taking the dog for long walks on the beach. Today is, I guess, a holiday. My plan is to find a place to get a taco.
Destruction Brook! I love that place. A couple of nice geocaches in there, and a close friend lives on land abutting the property and can access the trails from her back yard. Cool.