You know it’s been a while when your blogging software has forgotten about you and you have to log in again.
The good news is I’ve mostly been enjoying the holiday season and have not been suffering from it. The late Thanksgivukkah holiday (food photo here, this year’s menorah here) means that everything feels closer together this year which is fine by me. I’ve got a trip to Arizona slotted in at the end to go visit Jim’s folks with him and Milo so I think I’ve just shifted activity in that direction. The week afterwards I’m giving a talk in Lexington MA about blogging. No slides. No conference. Just me talking about … doing this. So I figured I should not only get on it but also get contemplative about it again. It’s been a while, seventeen years? I have a lot of other online avenues of self-expression now and so this space has been for more longer-form thoughts, longer-ranging what I’m up to things. I enjoyed reading this post on Zeldman’s website where he talks about blogging and invites people who still do it to chime in in the comments. A lot of familiar names in the comments, and some new ones.
Last weekend was the Christmas Bird Count which was appallingly cold and a little spare on the birds but I persevered and saw a few. Next weekend is the Neighborhood Solstice Bonfire which is my favorite social holiday event and then I head down to Westport to chill with Jim and Kate and her friends and my friends, back up here for New Year’s Eve. It’s a cozy little routine and I’m already cueing up a day or two full of movies. I got my flu shot in-between starting this post and wrapping it up, so I’m feeling snuffly and achey for whatever real or imagined reason so I’ll wrap this up here as a good loose end to encourage me to write again before late January.