So the Virgo Month of Leisure is wrapping up, an on-again off-again so-called holiday which I usually “celebrate” by doing something very complicated or time-consuming because I am me. This year I got COVID. And as these things go I was very lucky.
- Lucky that I knew when I got it (at the library, from someone coughing on me) and so I was able to stay home and not infect anyone else
- Lucky that I had tests at home and was able to confirm that I had it.
- Lucky that I had access to both telemedicine and my local doctor so I was able to get Paxlovid even though I’m only somewhat eligible.
- Lucky that I didn’t have Paxlovid rebound and found the metallic taste in my mouth manageable.
- Lucky that my friends and neighbors stepped UP so I wanted for nothing except better health.
- Lucky that my infection was brief (maybe four days of feeling pretty terrible) and didn’t include a scary cough and/or breathing problems because I am extremely anxious about that sort of thing.
- Lucky that I had a lot of tests at home so I could test a few times and know I was safe to go out once my symptoms (fever, aches, lethargy) subsided.
- Lucky that I was feeling mostly better by my actual birthday and, despite having to skip getting together with Jim over Labor Day weekend, we did have a very nice make-up birthday weekend the next weekend and fit in all of our favorite things.
The woman I got it from is likewise okay though she had a much rougher time of it. While I certainly have a lot of complaints about how COVID response is being handled nationally (go get your vaccination! free tests available September 25th!) my local response both personally and institutionally was not bad. I am happy to be better just in time to wave goodbye to the Virgo Month of Leisure. Better luck next year, me!
I’m so glad you had a decent time of covid instead of getting really sick! Also glad you got to spend time with Jim!
Virgo month of leisure was not leisurely at out place, (husband is a Virgo) but we got through it. Happy days ahead! Xoxo, Lynn