
wraps up VI

a sunny window with many plants on a tables soaking up the sun

The wrap-ups of the wrap-ups are now their own thing! You can view past wrap-ups here: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.

I’ve now completely moved over to Mastodon and I like it there. I am also on Bluesky which is fun in its own way. I still have accounts on all the Big Platforms, but I’m there a lot less often. I do put pictures on Flickr if you want to follow along. Biggest deal of the past year was that I’m no longer the legal owner of MetaFilter; it’s been transitioned into a community-owned model and while the site is still going to have some challenges, I was (mostly) happy to have been able to help it stay afloat. MLTSHP is still run by the community, with paperwork and legal stuff mainly done by me, and it’s delightful.

My regular job has been going mostly well. I’ve gotten to oversee adding more people to Flickr Commons which is pretty exciting. There’s a fun content browser here if you’d like to see what kind of stuff is there. My house remains standing despite all my concerns that it’s falling apart. Jim and I saw the total solar eclipse from a few miles up the road and it was transcendent. Thanks for reading.

What do you think?


  1. Give me advice, please: I & many friends & efriends would like to part company with Zuckerberg but we don’t want to disconnect ourselves from each other. We could forget all social media & just use email but realistically, that wouldn’t really fulfill our needs. You got any good ideas? Carl (