my year in cities and towns, 2014

Here are photos of the places I slept in 2014. I know I didn’t keep photo-track of the guestrooms I stayed in during 2013, but I didn’t know it had been so long since I’d made a blog post about them. A few years? I’ve been traveling less (and enjoying it more) so a lot of last year was just me going to Westport or my sister’s place. A few notable trips: first visit to London and an epic journey to Mackinac Island.

Here’s the list, it’s short. I decided to stop talking about traveling less and just … travel less. Sixteen places, six different states, two non-US countries. Stars indicate multiple visits to the exact same place. Past years: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 2007, 2006, 2005.

Westport MA* – visting/summering
Sun City West AZ – to see Jim’s folks
Manhattan, NY – library talk
Brooklyn NY – returning from library talk & visiting
Stow MA* – visting
Amherst MA – memorial service
Kewadin MI – Michael’s house
St Ignace MI – en route to talk
Mackinac Island MI – library talk
Montreal QC – heading home from library talk
Duluth MN – library talk
Ashfield MA – library talk
London UK – Wikimania
Brandon VT – wedding
Vicksburg MS – library talk
Sturbridge MA – library talk

my year in cities and towns, 2011

photos of the beds I've slept in, in 2011

Here is where I stayed this year. Last year I said I’d be working towards less travel. And my travel-for-work was down significantly. However my travel-for-family was up a lot [for both good and bad reasons] and that seemed to level it out. Ninety-nine days away from home. Almost all of it in Massachusetts, but a few visits to Michigan and Texas and Maine. Did not leave the country.

As before, stars indicate multiple visits to the same place. Numbers indicate number of distinct guestrooms at each geographic location. Different beds in the same house are, for all intents and purposes, one “guestroom” but perhaps multiple photos. Past years: 2010, 2009, 2008 2007, 2006, 2005.

Belmont, MA *
Westport, MA *
Austin, TX (3)
Somerville, MA
Danvers, MA
Stamford, CT
Cambridge, MA (2)
Portland, OR (2)
Hood River, OR
Boxboro, MA
Lewisville, TX
Decatur, TX
Irving, TX
Stow, MA
Lubec, ME
Bar Harbor, ME
Augusta, ME
Burlington, VT
Ann Arbor, MI
Milwaukee, WI
Kalamazoo, MI
Pittsboro, NC
Raleigh, NC
Grand Rapids, MI

my year in cities and towns, 2010


Places I stayed in 2010. You’ll notice the list is significantly shorter and almost all of it takes place in one of three states: Vermont, Massachusetts (Westport, Amherst, Belmont, and Boxboro) and Florida. I only left the country once overnight. Nine different states, one province. This is some sort of progress. This coming year my plans are more or less the same. Somewhat less travel, fewer airplane rides, see how that feels.

As before, stars indicate multiple visits to the exact same place. Numbers indicate number of distinct guestrooms at each location. Past years: 2009, 2008 2007, 2006, 2005.

Belmont, MA (2) *
Niceville, FL
Grayton Beach State Park, FL
Westport, MA *
Orange Park, FL
Boxboro, MA *
Austin, TX (2)
Anchorage AK (2)
Corda Bella, AZ
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Cepachet, NY
Amherst, MA *
Brooklyn, NY
Lantana, FL
Indianapolis, IN
Burlington, VT
Hanover, NH
Regina, SK

my year in cities and towns, 2009

Places I stayed in 2009. I am hopefully not jinxing this by doing it three days early. This year I lived in one place for the entire year. I also had/have an out-of-town boyfriend so a lot of these places are his place. See it evolve! I’m pretty sure this is the zenith of days away, though maybe I always think that…. Thirty-five distinct places. Seventy-four photos. One hundred and sixteen nights, more or less.

As before, stars indicate multiple visits to the exact same place. Numbers indicate number of distinct guestrooms at each location. Past years: 2008 2007, 2006, 2005.

guestrooms 2009

Belmont, MA *
Cambridge, MA
Somerville, MA (2) *
Toronto, ON (2)
Mississauga, ON
Manchester, NH *
San Francisco, CA (2)
Boxboro, MA (2) *
Austin, TX
Westport, MA *
Crystal City, VA
New Haven, CT
Watertown, NY
Amherst, MA *
Long Branch, NJ
Ocean Grove, NJ
Springfield, MA
Athens, GA
Montreal QC (3) *
Kittery, ME *
Gloucester, MA
New Orleans, LA (2)
Lincolnville, ME
Trenton, ME
Lubec, ME
Bar Harbor, ME
Morgan, VT
East Village, NYC *
Fort Lee, NJ
Elko, NV
Des Moines, IA
Burlington, VT
Harrington, QC
Brooklyn, NY
Roslyn, NY

my year in cities and towns, 2008

Places I stayed in 2008. Again, I’m heading in an upward direction. I think this will change this year. However I said that last year. Here’s a picture and a list. Here’s the list for 2007 of places I stayed that were not my house. As before, stars indicate multiple visits to the exact same place. Numbers indicate number of distinct guestrooms at each location. I started adding the photos to the map, but I sort of gave up. Seems a little weird to geolocate my friends’ houses and it’s a LOT of places. Back of the envelope calculations are 106 or so nights away from home, though many of them happened the month or so when I was moving. 2007, 2006, 2005

[all the guestrooms I stayed in, in 2008]

Bethel, VT (early 2008 home)
Randolph, VT (late 2008 home)

Manchester, NH *
Somerville, MA (2) *
San Francisco, CA (2)
Boxboro, MA *
Montreal, QC
Austin, TX
East Lansing, MI
Amherst, MA *
Regina, SK
Latham, NY
Saratoga Springs, NY
Burlington, VT (2)
Lacrosse, WI
Randolph, VT
Westport, MA *
Farmington, CT
Los Angeles, CA
Anaheim, CA (2)
Portland, OR
Washington DC
Ballson, VA
Braintree, VT
Belmont, MA *
Kittery, ME
Hoboken, NJ
East Village, NY
Canton, NY
Sacramento, CA
Marquette, MI (2)
Damariscotta, ME
North Chelmsford, MA
Lawrence, KS
Overland Park, KS
Hayesville, KS
Manitou Springs, CO
Denver, CO
Albany, NY